ข้อมูล eBook
ชื่อ: High Performance Plastics 2005 International Conference
หมวดหลัก: Textbook - วัสดุศาสตร์
คงเหลือ: 9999
High performance plastics are replacing traditional materials in hostile environments. They possess characteristics such as exceptional strength, lightweight, temperature resistance (usually in excess of 160degreeC), chemical resistance and dimensional stability. In addition, plastics are relatively easy to process and can be coloured (or transparent) and moulded to create innovative and attractive structures. The fun car market illustrates the increasing use of plastics materials and the versatility and appeal needed in materials for today"s marketplace. This two day international conference brought together experts discussing the latest developments in materials including properties, processing and applications.
High performance plastics are replacing traditional materials in hostile environments. They possess characteristics such as exceptional strength, lightweight, temperature resistance (usually in excess of 160degreeC), chemical resistance and dimensional stability. In addition, plastics are relatively easy to process and can be coloured (or transparent) and moulded to create innovative and attractive structures. The fun car market illustrates the increasing use of plastics materials and the versatility and appeal needed in materials for today"s marketplace. This two day international conference brought together experts discussing the latest developments in materials including properties, processing and applications.