ข้อมูล eBook
ชื่อ: High Performance and Speciality Elastomers 2007 The Fourth International Conference
หมวดหลัก: Textbook - โพลีเมอร์ พลาสติกและยาง
คงเหลือ: 9999
One of the major application areas for high performance elastomers is to manufacture seals and so it was no surprise that there was plenty of interest from seal manufacturers at the High Performance and Speciality Elastomers 2007 conference in Frankfurt on 5-6 December.
One of the major application areas for high performance elastomers is to manufacture seals and so it was no surprise that there was plenty of interest from seal manufacturers at the High Performance and Speciality Elastomers 2007 conference in Frankfurt on 5-6 December.