ข้อมูล eBook
ชื่อ: Developments in the Theory of Cationoid Polymerisations (1946 - 2001)
หมวดหลัก: Textbook - โพลีเมอร์ พลาสติกและยาง
คงเหลือ: 9999
Publications on the mechanisms of the cationoid polymerisations are collected together in this volume. Each paper or group of papers is preceded by an introductory prologue in which the author assesses the current relevance of his work and indicates why even the oldest findings are still worth keeping in mind when facing new work. The eight sections, each consisting of several thematically related papers, are followed by a complete list of Professor Plesch"s chemical publications.
Publications on the mechanisms of the cationoid polymerisations are collected together in this volume. Each paper or group of papers is preceded by an introductory prologue in which the author assesses the current relevance of his work and indicates why even the oldest findings are still worth keeping in mind when facing new work. The eight sections, each consisting of several thematically related papers, are followed by a complete list of Professor Plesch"s chemical publications.