ข้อมูล eBook
ชื่อ: Flexible Packaging-Adhesives, Coatings and Processes (Rapra Review Reports 122)
หมวดหลัก: Textbook - วัสดุศาสตร์
คงเหลือ: 9999
The worldwide use of flexible packaging converted materials has continued to grow over the last decade. This review concentrates on the adhesives and coatings, and the converting technologies, which enable these materials to be used in increasingly diverse and demanding applications. This publication is therefore essential reading for individuals in the flexible packaging, adhesive and coating supplier industries.
The worldwide use of flexible packaging converted materials has continued to grow over the last decade. This review concentrates on the adhesives and coatings, and the converting technologies, which enable these materials to be used in increasingly diverse and demanding applications. This publication is therefore essential reading for individuals in the flexible packaging, adhesive and coating supplier industries.