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Australian Journal of Environmental Education
Dr Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Editorial Administrators - Mrs Donna Bennett & Mrs Stephanie Hodgson, Office Logistics, Brisbane, Australia
International Board of Advisory Editors
Professor Julian Agyeman, Tufts University, USA
Mrs Elisabeth Barratt Hacking, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Professor Robert Barratt, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom
Dr Kiran Chhokar, Centre for Environment Education, India
Professor Justin Dillon, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Dr Chris Eames, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Dr Jo-Anne Ferreira, Griffith University, Australia (Immediate Past Editor of AJEE)
Professor Annette Gough, RMIT University, Australia
Professor Paul Hart, University of Regina, Canada
Professor Joe Heimlich, Ohio State University, USA
Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Rhodes University, South Africa
Assistant Professor Marcia McKenzie, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
A/Professor Phillip Payne, Monash University, Australia
Dr Alan Reid, University of Bath, United Kingdom
A/Professor Constance Russell, Lakehead University, Canada
Professor William Scott, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Professor David Selby, Mount St Vincent University, Canada
Professor David Sobel, Antioch College, Keene, USA
Professor Bob Stevenson, James Cook University, Australia
A/Professor Hilary Whitehouse, James Cook University, Australia
A/Professor Sandra Wooltorton, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Australian Journal of Environmental Education is an international refereed journal which publishes
papers and reports on all aspects of environmental education. It is the journal of the Australian Association for
Environmental Education. It is produced in order to present information and argument which will stimulate
debate about educational strategies that enhance the kinds of awareness, understanding and actions that
promote environmental and social justice. The Journal is addressed to educators working in any educational
setting where these matters are centrally or peripherally considered.
The Journal welcomes contributions about all aspects of environmental education and seeks balanced and
integrative accounts of practice, theory and research presented in written or graphic forms appropriate to
the matters considered, the wide range of the journal’s readership and the journal’s intentions. Intending
contributors are asked to adhere to “Guidelines to Authors” set out on the inside back cover.
All contributions and other queries should be directed to: Dr Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Editor, AJEE, Faculty of
Education, Monash University, McMahons Road, Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia. Telephone +61 3 9904
4638. Email: [email protected]
Contributions to the Feature articles section are reviewed anonymously by two invited reviewers. Our thanks
are given to the following reviewers for Volume 27(1):
Sylvia Almeida; Elisabeth Barratt Hacking; Sally Birdsall; Jane Bone; Nicola Chisnall; Kiran Chhokar; John
Fien; Annette Gough; Noel Gough; Robbie Guevara; Xia Ji; Julie Kennelly; Josephine Lang; John Lidstone;
Marcia McKenzie; Phillip Payne; Alan Reid; Lisa Ryan; Syd Smith; Margaret Somerville; Libby Tudball; Brian
Wattchow; Jean Webb; and Sandra Wooltorton.
From the next issue of the journal, the Australian Journal of Environmental Education will be published by
the Australian Academic Press (AAP). It will have a close affiliation with AAEE and as such will continue to be
provided to AAEE members and AJEE subscribers.
The CD version of this Special Issue (SI) has been funded by Dr Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Faculty of Education,
Monash University. A complimentary copy is provided to WEEC delegates, contributors and members of the
editorial board. Following the World Environmental Education Congress, the SI will appear on the AAP website.
Associate Professor Phillip Payne is acknowledged for his early contribution in conceptualising the original Special
Issue Call for Proposals.
Typesetting, layout and desk editing by Donna Bennett & Stephanie Hodgson, Office Logistics, Brisbane.
Cover Design by Viv Wilson, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Copyright and publisher: Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc.
July 2011.
The nautilus
The Association logo is the nautilus. It is used by the Association to symbolize the
“wisdom of the planet”, from which environmental educators draw inspiration and
Australian Journal of Environmental Education
Dr Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Editorial Administrators - Mrs Donna Bennett & Mrs Stephanie Hodgson, Office Logistics, Brisbane, Australia
International Board of Advisory Editors
Professor Julian Agyeman, Tufts University, USA
Mrs Elisabeth Barratt Hacking, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Professor Robert Barratt, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom
Dr Kiran Chhokar, Centre for Environment Education, India
Professor Justin Dillon, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Dr Chris Eames, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Dr Jo-Anne Ferreira, Griffith University, Australia (Immediate Past Editor of AJEE)
Professor Annette Gough, RMIT University, Australia
Professor Paul Hart, University of Regina, Canada
Professor Joe Heimlich, Ohio State University, USA
Professor Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Rhodes University, South Africa
Assistant Professor Marcia McKenzie, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
A/Professor Phillip Payne, Monash University, Australia
Dr Alan Reid, University of Bath, United Kingdom
A/Professor Constance Russell, Lakehead University, Canada
Professor William Scott, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Professor David Selby, Mount St Vincent University, Canada
Professor David Sobel, Antioch College, Keene, USA
Professor Bob Stevenson, James Cook University, Australia
A/Professor Hilary Whitehouse, James Cook University, Australia
A/Professor Sandra Wooltorton, Edith Cowan University, Australia
Australian Journal of Environmental Education is an international refereed journal which publishes
papers and reports on all aspects of environmental education. It is the journal of the Australian Association for
Environmental Education. It is produced in order to present information and argument which will stimulate
debate about educational strategies that enhance the kinds of awareness, understanding and actions that
promote environmental and social justice. The Journal is addressed to educators working in any educational
setting where these matters are centrally or peripherally considered.
The Journal welcomes contributions about all aspects of environmental education and seeks balanced and
integrative accounts of practice, theory and research presented in written or graphic forms appropriate to
the matters considered, the wide range of the journal’s readership and the journal’s intentions. Intending
contributors are asked to adhere to “Guidelines to Authors” set out on the inside back cover.
All contributions and other queries should be directed to: Dr Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Editor, AJEE, Faculty of
Education, Monash University, McMahons Road, Frankston, Victoria 3199, Australia. Telephone +61 3 9904
4638. Email: [email protected]
Contributions to the Feature articles section are reviewed anonymously by two invited reviewers. Our thanks
are given to the following reviewers for Volume 27(1):
Sylvia Almeida; Elisabeth Barratt Hacking; Sally Birdsall; Jane Bone; Nicola Chisnall; Kiran Chhokar; John
Fien; Annette Gough; Noel Gough; Robbie Guevara; Xia Ji; Julie Kennelly; Josephine Lang; John Lidstone;
Marcia McKenzie; Phillip Payne; Alan Reid; Lisa Ryan; Syd Smith; Margaret Somerville; Libby Tudball; Brian
Wattchow; Jean Webb; and Sandra Wooltorton.
From the next issue of the journal, the Australian Journal of Environmental Education will be published by
the Australian Academic Press (AAP). It will have a close affiliation with AAEE and as such will continue to be
provided to AAEE members and AJEE subscribers.
The CD version of this Special Issue (SI) has been funded by Dr Amy Cutter-Mackenzie, Faculty of Education,
Monash University. A complimentary copy is provided to WEEC delegates, contributors and members of the
editorial board. Following the World Environmental Education Congress, the SI will appear on the AAP website.
Associate Professor Phillip Payne is acknowledged for his early contribution in conceptualising the original Special
Issue Call for Proposals.
Typesetting, layout and desk editing by Donna Bennett & Stephanie Hodgson, Office Logistics, Brisbane.
Cover Design by Viv Wilson, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane.
Copyright and publisher: Australian Association for Environmental Education Inc.
July 2011.
The nautilus
The Association logo is the nautilus. It is used by the Association to symbolize the
“wisdom of the planet”, from which environmental educators draw inspiration and